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Organise, Attack, Take Back
It is simple: we organise. We organise, we arm ourselves, we train ourselves. Then we attack, we throw out that which came before, we take back the farms and the cities. We spread. This thing, this communism, is a virality, a memetic thing that begins to repeat itself. Self-replicating organisms spreading throughout the lands as militant organisations bring back control into the workers' hands. Inspired by revolution, we revolt, and inspire revolution; socialism spreads throughout the lands as we, the workers, take up arms and defend ourselves. No longer shall there be hold for bourgeois, no longer shall there be hold for rulers or wealthy, no longer shall there be hold for hate. The land returns to the people who tend to it, who rightfully belong to it, who have worked it for thousands of years, it is their own and their own alone. And shall we all heal from it, the earth which we are a part of, each part of our lands healing.